Mid Florida Eye’s selection to participate in national clinical trials allows us to offer our patients access to the most revolutionary research for advanced diagnostic and treatment options available.
Our physicians have participated in multiple clinical trials including device and medications studies. We are proud to have over 15 years of research experience within the Central Florida community. We are always looking for new studies to offer our patients the benefit of cutting edge technology and medications.
These clinical trials are a crucial component in developing new, more effective, sight saving and sight prolonging diagnostic techniques and treatments. Many of today’s gold-standard therapies are based on the results of previous trials, such as those we’ve conducted for the treatment of macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and other conditions.
A clinical trial may be the best way for individuals to get the most advanced, leading edge treatment. Patients have access to new drugs and treatments before they are widely available, and because controlling and recording all factors is critical to the trial’s success, participants get excellent attention and are closely monitored and cared for.
Participation in a clinical trial is completely voluntary. Criteria for study participation is very stringent, and some people may not be eligible for participation. Limited number of participants are needed. Call now to schedule your appointment to discuss clinical trails with your ophthalmologist.
We provide our research study patients with the best medical care possible. Should you wish to participate in any clinical trial, please discuss this with your surgeon.
General Research Study Information and FAQs
If you have been diagnosed with Cataracts, you may qualify for a research study.
If you have been diagnosed with Glaucoma, you may qualify for a research study.
You may qualify for a research study if you have presbyopia.
You may qualify for a research study if you suffer from dry eye disease.
If you have questions about how you may qualify to participate in a clinical research trial please email one of our Study Coordinators here.
Mid Florida Eye Center is renowned for participating in nationwide research studies and pioneering advances in vision-saving
technologies. The links below include exciting announcements and news in clinical research.
Mid Florida Eye Center Instrumental in FDA Multifocal Toric Intraocular Lens Approval
Multifocal Toric IOL a Breakthrough in Cataract Surgery
Intraocular Lens for Cataract Surgery